Thursday, March 24, 2011

Grant Bros Sales - wondering when we get a visit ?

Called up Grant Bros to see if Terry Bax is still our rep for Grant Bros Sales - came across an older e-mail that reminded us he hasn't been in ( or at least to see me ) --check our green book ( that reps sign in - an idea we 'borrowed' from Ideal Supply over 30 years ago ) ---was March of 2010 ... guess we might be due sometime ??

Was talking with Fiona at Grant Bros -she has always been a source of helpful info to supplement the many Grant Bros reps over the years that felt we were too far away to bother to call on in a regular manner ... something she said hit a nerve .... 'have you seen the GREEN GRASS at Toronto Airport .... because they use Everything Cleaner
CCM 100001 4 L jug with extra spray bottle
CCM 100990 990 ml spray ( some store still have older 600 ml size - to clear out #100600
CCM 100020 20 liter pail.

Only D&T has done anything with this line- Petes & Auto Barn have stalled. In part because we all liked the product that EVERYTHING had replaced ... and that is why I have used the OLD GRUPPY GUYS image from the muppets -- maybe that is us -- crabby -- and holding a gru
dge ... maybe it is time for us to get over that and to TRY the everything cleaner ONE MORE TIME.

PS - this line is also a DS line in AS - supplier #1-272

Time to clean up ????

1 comment:

  1. it is not from lack of trying, this has been sitting front and center of our counters since product was introduced and is recommended when asked for but has been a reluctant sell to alot of potential buyers. how much time is fair to spend on educating the cust on another "new" chemical line?? (just a thought)
