Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Summer Bash 08

Mandy writes:
We are starting early in planing this years summer party, and we are looking for your input. Please feel free to leave a comment telling us what you think we should do for this years summer party. Once I get majority input we will post top 3 and everyone gets a vote. So let us know because its for all of us.


Monday, January 28, 2008


A new company in Oldcastle has opened up.It is called 1-800-radiator.I bet you cannot guess what they sell.They tell me they sell to "everyone".I think this will be something to watch out for in
Essex and Windsor for sure and possibly Leamington.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


T4's for 2007 are done. They are in the mail slots here at D&T. When you receive it please make sure that the address and your SIN are correct. I manually enter this data. Let me know ASAP if I have made any mistakes. I will be electroncially filing the T4's with Revenue Canada the first week of February and after that it will be too late to make changes. DO NOT LOSE THEM!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

TD1 Forms

It is that time of the year again. The government has issued new net claim amounts for the 2008 tax year. If you require or want extra tax deducted from your pay please let me know and I will send you new TD1 forms to be filled out. If you take advantage of the child tax credit you will also need to fill out new forms. Let me know if you want any.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Just a friendly reminder to please post your feedback on the link. We would like to see at least 2 per week per person, the more the better. We all need to let CARQUEST what we are seeing on the front lines. If we don't tell them the issues that we are experiencing than no one can try to resolve them. Just to reiterate what was said at the staff meeting. The feedbacks are not going into a black hole. They are being read and action is being taken, we have already seen some improvements based on the feedback.

Rule of thumb:

If you need something fixed in less than 30 days, Post on the link and send an email to Greg H and carbon copy your store manager.

Please don't expect a direct response from CARQUEST it is impossible for someone to respond to every feedback that comes in. Just trust and have faith that things are being addressed.


There has a been a slight change to the Worldpac dart board challenge. Instead of only recording invoices. You can include any instance of looking up parts for a possible sale. It needs to be for an actual customer. No fudging! This should allow everyone to get a lot more chances to 'throw a dart'. Good Luck.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Calendars for running off POS for January and February are in the mail slots here at D&T. Please make sure that these get posted and followed. If you have any questions please let me know.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


It's that time of the year again. I will be collecting for the pig at Monday's meeting. $10.00 will get you paid for the full year. This money is used to fund the Christmas staff party and hopefully this year a summer party.

Staff Meeting

Subway is the dinner choice for Monday's staff meeting. If you have any preferences please let me know by Friday morning.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Updated WORLDPAC e-cat


I see WORLDPAC is mentioning these improvements ..... what do you think ?? Fixes & improvements as of Jan 4th 2008

The latest installment of speedDIAL NGC is ready. In this release you'll see:
+ Part position displayed in Buyer's Guide
+ Exception is fixed in Catalog during Price operation
+ Relabel Gen. Purpose parts
+ Order row count =0 disallowed Quick Order from Catalog
+ Display of Buyers Guide button fixed
+ Display of part image in Buyer's Guide fixed


The following employees have now been with us for 10 years and now receive 8% vacation pay. Congratulations to:

Ryan at D&T Auto Parts
Debbie at Pete's Paint
Joe Brown at Auto Barn
Steve Mullen at Auto Barn

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Lisle STL tools

The last line Matt sends is Lisle --again the smaller value for each item may make the extra work unproductive - but with a larger item or a bulk order ...who knows ... the Keystone part will NOT be branded CARQUEST - please remember --all returns are thru Keystone

Chemical prices

These prices are on a smaller average cost of the item -- your extra time might not pay back for smaller priced items ( unless you have a large qty for one customer) Another caution would be the Cdn symbols required for the can and missing French.

Use chemicals with caution. Again - Thanks Matt for sharing

More data from Matt

Here is Dorman Motor Mite --notice the special order items from Keystone have a heavy surcharge -but stocked items are very competitive (for the short term while we await action from CARQUEST ). Prices are Cdn dollars using Keystone direct account

Short term options on pricing

While we await more work on how CARQUEST is planning on handling the reduction in spread from USA to Cdn jobber prices -- Matt has sent me the following suggestion s-- if the special order item is large enough it makes sense to check it in KEYSTONE as well

Here is Blue Streak sample prices --they are in Cdn dollars thru DIRECT ACOUNT with Keystone ( gee - wonder why the CARQUEST account blocks this ...:-)

If you have other options - suggest them to your manager &/or mention them at the next staff meeting

help in verifying new data

Appreciate some help - can you see if the three sections for new e-cat are in deed properly turned on for our e-cat. The two fuel pumps and the Dorman cat's are listed as new in the 8-12 bulletin board section of the j-Con for the new activant e-cat DVD that was loaded last night. Click on the image to make larger. Tell Greg H if these sections do not show in e-cat and we will ask Brian Wiggs in Raleigh ( he controls the MCL control file for what parts of the e-cat show as being turned on )