Wednesday, March 24, 2010

things you can do - and things you can't -- and things your shouldn't

I have been criticized over the years for ONE word in a large communication.    Not what I  said - but how I said it ... and it comes down to ONE WORD some one takes offense to.    That can be OK - but if you ignore the issue and fixate on the word -- how will we ever get things to be better?

Here is such an example - posting it here for all the world to see - and let history be my judge.

How many times do we talk to reps and  they say --buy - is it difficult to get parts in to CARQUEST's system ( referring to Canada ).

Here is such an example - the rep tells  us that he has request that CARQUEST add this part in 3 different e-mails over the past year ... PER 31870 --a gasket maker required to handle ATF fluid in Chrysler products ( USA part # 81180)   Point --we see it is added in the Raleigh system. Point - we are ordering it from Auto Sense - they added it.  BUT --with out it being in our system --it is VERY DIFFICULT to figure out how to add it into our new EXPLORIS system.   REALLY REALLY DIFFICULT!

So when we write in and use the term 'bull-shit' --it was used as a term of frustration not as a swear word.  In fact I personally do NOT believe that bullshit is a swear word.

see this link ...

But if I were to swear - I might try these ....

Here is my reply back to CARQUEST ... and I stand by my words  ...
BULL-SHIT is not swearing in my books --- get over it.

BULL-SHIT shows the amount of frustration that builds when you ask for things and are ignored - rejected or ??

In this case I have a rep that claims he sent PER 31870 new sku request in THREE TIMES to get added -- this is typical of what I hear from other reps who try to get the parts added in a timely basis.  If this problem was controllable at our store - that  person would have been fired in light of the term BULL-SHIT ... it is the lesser of issues.

We are here to give OUTSTANDING SERVICE to our customers -- anyone who stands in the way of our goal will not have our 100% respect ...  improve your companies level of service and the swear words will all but disappear ... you have my promise ... but ... CARQUEST has to IMPROVE FIRST.

FIRST TO MARKET --that is not a claim I said --that is a claim that CARQUEST has made to me ---now --stand up and get it done.

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