Saturday, November 10, 2007

Profit Share Plan

A guide to new staff - our profit sharing plan. The short and sweet version. Each company of our group offers this. We have offered profit sharing since 1979.

15% of pre tax profits is set aside for profit sharing. Want more -- two ways - help the company earn more or show you manager you have done tasks and actions that warrant a larger piece of the pie.

Other store managers, the office manager and the ops manager also review you store managers ranking of you piece of the pie to ensure a fairness. Frank and honest discussion are the best medicine for improving your piece for next year.

Click on the two images to see the larger size - one is a block rating system and another is showing circles of how one good trait leads to another ( drawn in 1992 - and still true today ).

The more we can show staff that their ever action impacts on the profitability of the company - the more we can help work as a better oiled team to maximize profits and minimize waste.

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