Monday, February 26, 2007

redeem Web-Link spiffs

Abe at Petes Paint might have the first redemption for the $1.00 coupon for Web-Link orders during our in-house promo period.

I have shown Abe how to run a 8-18 report ( which is cleared every month) and sent him a Jan 8-18 report that I send all managers. If this is all 'greek' to you --see you manager and ask him to train you on how to understand what I just said.

Perhaps the managers might consider standardizing the part number-- we have XXX YPS-SPECIAL in the system priced at $1.00 -will this work for using for the credit when they buy the iPod or tools? managers -- comments?

1 comment:

  1. What we have done here is a 6.9 report. You can run it for a specific date range and counterperson. Internet orders always use counterperson "24". This way you still get the info after it has been cleared. This report might come in handy for other things as well once you get used to it.

