Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Product Feedback form

We are a better organization if we give quality feedback - and we are a lesser group if no one cares ands ignores the IMPORTANCE of good feedback to CARQUEST!

At the next staff meeting we will be looking at staff who have -- and staff who have NOT used the feedback form. After the normal meeting we will have some extra time for just staff who have NOT done a feedback form as staff training you could save both of us some time if you ask your store manager to show you if you are unclear.

Once you have given the feedback - make sure you check back to see what they have done with your feedback on the image to see a sample feedback -- you click on the word DETAILS to see the full details for each form submitted.

Worried that your feedback is not a NOBEL PRIZEWINNER ---look --- not every piece of info can be 'life changing' .... and if you make a mistake -- the IMPORTANT POINT is YOU TRIED .... even Barry Binds doesn't hit every ball thrown at him -- some he misses ---so don't fear ....and learn to understand that your customers are giving you clues on what you need to discuss with your store manager and what you need to forward to CARQUEST to get fixed and improved ... to help us all.

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