We would like every customer to be asked ONCE if they would like e-mail delivery of statements. We don't want to over ask MULTIPLE times ... if the customer accepts - please do these steps below.
a) add the CORRECT e-mail name to their account ( sorry --we can ONLY have ONE e-mail name at this time - maybe latter versions we can specify the account from the sales in our customers )
b) bottom right of customer page click 'STATEMENT SETUP' and un-click mail and click on e--mail
IF the customer declines .... please add this e-mail to the e-mail name ...... declined@email.com and that way we will KNOW this customer has already been asked.
Therefore --before you ask the customer - call up their account and see if the e-mail address is filled in --and if it says declined -- then don't ask
Benefits of e-mail
-if they like it - it helps both them & saves us postage and TIME
Problems of e-mail
-we MUST make sure we have the proper e-mail name - if we call them when they go OVERDUE and they say --what statement - I never got it --it will cause everyone involved a lot of trouble ... we MUST have the preson who pays the bills get the e-mail ...not the mechanic-technician
Your help on this is MOST appreciated.