Just when you thought rubber gloves are for 'playing doctor' - the proctologist joke --along comes HYBRID vehicles
SRM 6418 electrical rated gloves -- I have set the level for all stores so salesmen can take out and discuss. You should run a google search and find some documentation ( and I have one in your mail slot provided by Tyler from Caruk ) on safety issues for disconnecting the battery when servicing the vehicle.
Now-- here is the GOOD PART -- look for laws that tell you you have have your gloves safety tested every 6 months --and re-date stamped. For now SAS Safety ( our line SRM ) will do this ( soon -- in the set up phase ). They will do the testing at no charge ( for now anyways )
We will ask CARQUEST if we can set up a transit program thru our stores to the DC and back to the place in Toronto for the testing to see fi we can minimize the cost of transport.
Many things will happen on this issue -- stay tuned. Salesmen --it sure sounds like the shops will need TWO SETS of gloves -- as one set could be in transit to be re-tested
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