Thursday, July 30, 2009


If you are looking for a filler neck that SPI does not have. FMSI has some that have been recycled out of "Southern Wrecks". Similar to a company that we used to deal with long ago.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

USA to Cdn dollar update

see chart --watch for lines like Keystone priced in USA $ --they are getting cheaper by the day .....

VW Anti-Freeze

All stores now have this part as stocking ( just added it to Petes - please add to next order from Worldpac )

# WPC Z8003-88016PEN

Note --this a a concentrate - mix with equal parts water. Watch if someone compares with dealer and the dealer is LESS ... the dealer is PRE-MIXED -- not concentrated.

Anyone who wants to --send a feedback saying these CUSTOM fluids need to be listed in e-cat ...makes sense doesn't it - of course we would expect CARQUEST to get this part into their line up .... but we won;t wait for that to happen .... FIRST TO MARKET means no excuses.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dodge rotors

It seems some Dodge/Chrysler 95-2000 front brake rotors have 14 inch and 15 inch tire listings but not all are correct. The part numbers are 5381 and 5362 and I have added sizes to the part message. Look up a 2000 cirrus and you will see what I mean. We have to send both or have the customer measure. I am tired of running to exchange rotors.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I will be doing payroll on Wednesday, July 29th. Please make sure that all timesheets and vacation/sick days are sent in before that.

Monday, July 20, 2009

More NEW Distibutors

Shawn has asked me to look at stock levels on new distributors -- all stores will get at elast 5 additional parts to be stocked -- PLEASE make room for line NDS

Pneumatic Tool Muffler

The SPE AUDEX782 in the Tool & Equipment flyer on Page 13 - has a url to show a video and additional sku's --- might you have a customer who can use this NOISE REDUCING option ?

Click here for AUDEX

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Trailer Cat - special for us

the 2008 Trailer catalog is not openly available in Canada - another catalog banned ? Anyways all stores now have some --what do you see that yo can sell? Copies in your mail slot

Comments appreciated

WELLS Ignition - on line e-cat

At yesterdays staff meeting Abe mentioned the Standard e-cat --- Click here for Standard E-cat on line

Here is the link for the WELLS E-cat Click here for WELLS e-cat on line

Both Plaxo accounts have been updated

I see that WELLS also has a link for the ACRONYMS ( ECU is what in English ) --- click here to try their page and bookmark if you like it

Why not spend a couple of minutes and see what else you can find you like --like the video's ?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Steinel and MTP -- have a look

I have to give the rep for Steinel and MTP Test Instruments full credit for pushing us to learn more.

Steinel products are on page 39 of the current Tool & Equipment flyer. One item of interest is the Auto Body Weld kit- if you need a short Video clip - youc an e-mail for one or more DVD's ( this videocl ip might be on the Steinel web site - I have not checked )

CLICK HERE for Steinel web site

MTP Test Instruments are on page 18 of the current tool & equipment flyer. Sue wants you to look at the 'kit' that saves over $50- # MTP Autokit

CLICK HERE for MTP web site

Virtual Vehicle MD -- helping explain the need for a repair

We have posted this entry into the CTIO blog -- copy for your info .....

If you can EXPLAIN yourself better to the customer -- you can help them decide why the repair is needed

Click on these link below to see a sample of


Note the image - click on the changing box to see the next step in the illustration

See your CARQUEST salesman for more info on this service.

Friday, July 10, 2009

what's NEGATIVE and what's NOT

Yesterday another jobber called me NEGATIVE ... ouch. Most certainly due to my constant criticisms of some points in CARQUEST. OVERLY CRITICAL - perhaps -- but NEGATIVE ...

Here is my take on what is NEGATIVE and what is not
-a negative person complains/comments quietly but doesn't do anything to fix the situation. The hours of trying to figure out what person can we talk with next to see the situation like we do and get the job fixed must go unnoticed.
-a negative person doesn't do the extra work to identify problems let alone try to fix them
-a negative person doesn't try to get others to also help fix the problems ( read that like the push to have all staff do FEEDBACKS whereas most stores do few if any feedbacks to try to make things BETTER IN THE FUTURE FOR ALL STORES

An American jobber recently said --CARQUEST sells us parts and the systems to help us sell the parts. That sums it up pretty damm well. And almost all our criticisms are in these two areas - GET US THE PARTS TO SELL and HELP US WITH SYSTEMS TO SELL THESE PARTS.

How do we judge others who do NOTHING? Jobbers who fell it is GOOD ENOUGH? Or they don;t know any better? Or they just don;t CARE? Lets at least hope that they will someday see what needs to be done and join the group to help us make CARQUEST better for all --better for the customers is #1 ... better for the staff and mgmt of jobbers.

So don't be NEGATIVE --- but if we are called OVERLY CRITICAL .... I for one can live with that title. Just remember we are doing this so we can have the BEST CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE possible. BUT there is a second TITLE that must go with the first -- that is an old Indian title - 'ONE WHO CAN FIX THINGS'. You must be able to spot a problem and then work tirelessly to get it fixed. There are times you must know you limits and some things just take a bit more time that we would like. But often to fix things we need a few more voices --so get some others to join your CHANGE GROUP and urge them to voice an opinion.

Don;t just sit back and think things are great --lets go work at MAKING THEM GREAT.

Greg H

Thursday, July 09, 2009

BAT 6101F

we have the group 101 battery now in stock ( at D&T so far ) # BAT 6 101 MF ( after some work by a few of you guys )

Too bad we don't have proper e-cat for this --I have written Brian Wiggs to help us get this corrected for all of North America --as the USA CARQUEST jobbers are also missing their USA part # probably something like BAT 101-6

So --if you see at Cadillac CTS's or SRX or the similar --we have that battery

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Carmen NEX scanner powerpoint images - part # 1

This is part # 1 of 3 ( posted in reverse order so you can look in normal order as you go down the page ).

The Carmen Lite is approved by Chris Chesney ( director of CTI - CARQUEST Training Institute ) as one of the BEST scanner for Asia vehicles.

Click on image to ENLARGE

AHHHH --the images post in REVERS order --so click on the left bottom and work your way to the Right Top image to see in order that power point had them in ---hey --what do you want for FREE ( smile )

Carmen NEX scanner - part # 2

Part # 2 ( Slides # 6 thru 9 )

NEX Carmen scanner info - part # 3

Slides # 10-14 from Carmen NEX powerpoint presentation ( skipped # 15 & 16 )

what SCANNER impresses Chris Chesney ?

I was asking Chris Chesney ( Director of CTI in Raleigh ) questions on scanners -- he comes back with this .... " We actually have most available aftermarket and OE scan tools in our research center. In fact I'm reviewing the latest version of our ETT108 scan tool class that covers all scan tools in an attempt to help shop owners and techs understand which tools they need to consider for their business. CTI has helped the T&E group to be able to sell OE scan tools with support that differentiates us from the OEMs. As far as the Launch X431 we are not overly impressed with the tool. It is a reverse engineered product that falls short like most aftermarket products. The best Asian aftermarket tool in our opinion is the Carman Scan Lite."

click here for NexTech web site

Bob Greenwood has a BLOG

You can read Bob Greenwoods thoughts on his new BLOG - share this info with your best customers

Click Here for Bob Greenwood

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

more scanners coming ....

LAUNCH is a new line of scanners ( yep - one more line !! )
click here for Launch

a long with full feature scanners where is a code reader that thinks it is a scan tool --watch for details or see the web site

Line code is LCH

Staff Meetings - pay for attendance

The Quarterly cheques for extra bonus for staff you attend staff meeting are being cut. A reminder of the $10 bonus ( $15 if you travel to another town ) is our way of saying thank you for your time and attention. Also - Staff attendance plays a factor in our annual PROFIT SHARING BONUS. It is important that we understand your concerns and at the staff meeting is just one way for us to hear you and your thoughts. Of course --if something is URGENT -- tell us NOW --don't wait.

DO NOT confuse these cheques with the recently announced wage surplus cheques that we are handing out EARLY for those who read and filled out a comment.

CARQUEST LINK - bad log in ?

I have been getting this ( see image ) and have found that if you hit your REFRESH button on your web browser you will pass this error and get into the CQ-Link.

Do you see this error screen from time to time when you log into CQ-Link?

Monday, July 06, 2009

Volvo Trans fluid

Late model Volvos require a special Auto trans fluid( Volvo PN# 1161540-8)None of our regular oil suppliers show a fluid that will work for this.World-Pac, however does stock it.

PN# 3L100-321157 PEN


Grote 2009 cat available on line

PDF parts of the 2009 GROTE cat available here >>>>>> CLICK HERE

Or the normal on line e-cat with competiton interchanges is available here >>> CLICK HERE

Links for these have been added to our multi-store address book in Plaxo.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Worldpac has VW & Audi test equipment

see this link -- VAD = Versatile Auto Diagnostics for a new line of test equipment for Audi & VW that Worldpac are distributors