Yesterday another jobber called me NEGATIVE ... ouch. Most certainly due to my constant criticisms of some points in CARQUEST. OVERLY CRITICAL - perhaps -- but NEGATIVE ...
Here is my take on what is NEGATIVE and what is not
-a negative person complains/comments quietly but doesn't do anything to fix the situation. The hours of trying to figure out what person can we talk with next to see the situation like we do and get the job fixed must go unnoticed.
-a negative person doesn't do the extra work to identify problems let alone try to fix them
-a negative person doesn't try to get others to also help fix the problems ( read that like the push to have all staff do FEEDBACKS whereas most stores do few if any feedbacks to try to make things BETTER IN THE FUTURE FOR ALL STORES
An American jobber recently said --CARQUEST sells us parts and the systems to help us sell the parts. That sums it up pretty damm well. And almost all our criticisms are in these two areas - GET US THE PARTS TO SELL and HELP US WITH SYSTEMS TO SELL THESE PARTS.
How do we judge others who do NOTHING? Jobbers who fell it is GOOD ENOUGH? Or they don;t know any better? Or they just don;t CARE? Lets at least hope that they will someday see what needs to be done and join the group to help us make CARQUEST better for all --better for the customers is #1 ... better for the staff and mgmt of jobbers.
So don't be NEGATIVE --- but if we are called OVERLY CRITICAL .... I for one can live with that title. Just remember we are doing this so we can have the BEST CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE possible. BUT there is a second TITLE that must go with the first -- that is an old Indian title - 'ONE WHO CAN FIX THINGS'. You must be able to spot a problem and then work tirelessly to get it fixed. There are times you must know you limits and some things just take a bit more time that we would like. But often to fix things we need a few more voices --so get some others to join your CHANGE GROUP and urge them to voice an opinion.
Don;t just sit back and think things are great --lets go work at MAKING THEM GREAT.
Greg H